Learning with an Eastman - New YouTube Channel of a Beginner

This one isn't for the squeamish... if you don't like looking at calluses forming you may want to give this one a miss... if you're morbidly curious like I am then you may want to give it a watch...  Big Grin Short 6-7 minute documentary outlining the 54 days it took for my calluses to develop before settling down.
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Follow my journey as a beginner guitarist on YouTube: @NewLifeWithGuitar

10 weeks in... not too much change as I've mainly been going over the same things for the past 2/3 weeks... hopefully just some small improvements with bits & pieces. 

The polishing of chord changes, technique, strumming, picking, rhythm etc. continues.. onwards & upwards with the G chord next. 

Thanks for watching!
Follow my journey as a beginner guitarist on YouTube: @NewLifeWithGuitar

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Follow my journey as a beginner guitarist on YouTube: @NewLifeWithGuitar

After 72 hours I reckon it's fair to say I now know the cowboy chords... even if changing between them still requires a lot of work.
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Follow my journey as a beginner guitarist on YouTube: @NewLifeWithGuitar

Month three - now entering a consolidation phase until I feel comfortable enough to move onto... you know... that F thing & the second grade of the course I'm following.
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Follow my journey as a beginner guitarist on YouTube: @NewLifeWithGuitar

Took a step backwards this week in hopes of eventually taking several steps forwards by mainly focusing on songs that work the two chords I find most difficult - C & D.. well, save for Dm.. but I'll tackle more of that another time. I think another couple of weeks consolidating this type of stuff & then I'll feel more ready to move onto the next chunk of learning. 

I'll next be reflecting on my first 100 hours & then after that it'll be December so... I'd may as well start practicing with a few Christmas bangers.
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Follow my journey as a beginner guitarist on YouTube: @NewLifeWithGuitar

100 hours officially completed... couldn't help but put together a little compilation. Still rubbish but on we march!
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Follow my journey as a beginner guitarist on YouTube: @NewLifeWithGuitar

I couldn't help but get a little festive. Been practicing stuff that should well & truly annoy my family when performed in mum's living room in a couple weeks time.
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Follow my journey as a beginner guitarist on YouTube: @NewLifeWithGuitar

Short snappy update as I come to the end of a consolidation phase... bigger & newer things to come in the next week or so.
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Follow my journey as a beginner guitarist on YouTube: @NewLifeWithGuitar

This is just a video of my general review on the online course I'm following now I've completed grade one... might be a useful little watch for anyone considering learning guitar or looking for opinions of an online course who may stumble across this thread (now or in the future).
AlanSam likes this post
Follow my journey as a beginner guitarist on YouTube: @NewLifeWithGuitar

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