A question for the experts
Hello folks,

I hope you'll forgive and humour a question which I imagine may be a bit naive for veterans of this brand. I had a look around some older posts to see if I it's been asked already but nothing popped out immediately so here goes.

For many years I've adored the canonical sound of a Gibson 335. I appreciate that there have been variations and iterations over the years of build / components / pickups but with this said, I think it's fair to say there's we could average these out and get something we might call a classical 335 tone.

Were money no object, I might take the no-risk option and pick up a standard Gibson USA edition but I don't have enough money to justify that kind of outlay.

I've taken a look at some affordable alternatives, namely Epiphone and Sire. Of course, some concession to build and components has been made, as great value as these guitars may be. I might be able to stretch to a Eastman T386 or T486 if they're the right choice for me. Having looked at some videos and checked the specs, I can see they're close to a 335 but perhaps significantly, use different pickups to the standard Gibson USA's. I'm not so bothered about tuners and knobs etc, it's my focus here is mainly about the tone.

So here's my question: If I really like the way a standard 335 sounds and would like to get pretty close to this but via an Eastman guitar, what is my best move? Are any of the Eastmans close enough out the box that all but the most discerning would say "yup, that's basically the 335 sound" or would there need to be a pickup retrofit to achieve this? Or am I barking up the wrong tree altogether?

Thank you in advance for your thoughts.
Assuming you're looking in the sub $1000 range, I definitely think the T386 is your best bet for getting as close to the 335 feel and sound as possible.   You do get a ton for your money though, tons of high quality components like nitro finish, 500k audio taper pots (I'm forgetting what brand pots they are, but regardless they're fantastic) gotoh tailpiece, Jescar fret wire... these are components that are found on gibson level instruments, and you wouldnt find these on an epiphone or something like that.  The pickups are good and they definitely give you the 335 sound, but you may eventually want to upgrade some time down the road.  The 486 does have seymour duncans in there which are fantastic.  Definitely worth spending the money on, and if you look hard enough, you can find used eastmans for $800-ish or less.
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Thank you for your helpful reply. If anyone were able to comment on which of the two Eastman models were closest in tone to a Gibson 335, I'd be most grateful. I saw the 486's use of a SD Jazz pickup in the neck and prejudicially imagine this to be more wooly; 335 after all have some bite and snarl which can be tamed to a jazz tone but their default seems more oriented to a biting rock tone.
Welcome, Mr. Silkenstein.  I'm out of my comfort zone in the Electric sub-forum, but my general thought is that no guitar will be an identical replacement for another specific, iconic model.  In the acoustic side, we get asked, "what Eastman guitar is just like a Martin D-18 or D-28?"  And the answer is that no Eastman will sound exactly like that Martin, but to your question, will it have the same general vibe?  The answer is an enthusiastic yes.  So, I think Dan's response is good that the T386 and T486 are close to the Gibson 335... for the general listener, close enough to get the vibe.

As for the pickups, I'll defer to the more veteran electric EGF members.  But if you don't care about the cosmetic details (dots vs. parallelograms, more basic top vs. more flamed top, etc.), then you can save $$$ on the T386 and decide later on whether to invest in new p'ups to help get the sound you desire.

Hope this helps.
"It's only castles burning." -- Neil Young
Thanks for taking the time to reply. Turns out I'm more of a sucker for aesthetics than I like to admit: I have just ordered the 486 as those extra appointments really do it for me. Been thinking about buying a 335 style guitar for years so might as well get the goldilocks one (for my taste, of course). In regards to your point about swapping pickups in the future, I figure it will be a lot easier to sell SDs due to their known-brand status than Kent Armstrongs, not that I'm suggesting they're better.

Turns out Eastman are discontinuing Sunburst as a finish option for both guitars so this was my last chance to get the finish I've long dreamed of. My hand was forced. Just got to explain to my SO why for Valentines weekend she got a bunch of roses and I got a new guitar Wink

Thanks for the advice and rock on Smile
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Making a decision is always liberating. Do keep us informed on how things progress. Oh - and congratulations!
''Bad company done got me here …'' - Rev Gary Davis
Oh... and pics when the new guitar arrives!
Best, Steve

6 string acoustics: 2018 Eastman E10D (Red Spruce/Mahogany); 2021 Eastman E6D-TC (Alpine Spruce/Mahogany); 2021 AC522CE - GB (European Spruce/Mahogany)
Electric guitar: 1964 Guild Starfire V semi-hollow electric
Acoustic Bass: Epiphone El Capitan 5 String Acoustic/Electric Fretless (Year ?)
Website: http://www.stephenleigh.com 
YouTube: sleighwriter
Congrats on the T486.  I totally understand being a sucker for the additional appointments.  As the others said, please share your impressions and photos via a NGD post, when it arrives (assuming you're not in too much trouble over V-Day!).
"It's only castles burning." -- Neil Young
Congratulations on the purchase, I am sure it will be everything and more than you expect.  You won't have to swap out the pick ups.  Contrary to your prejudicial imagination, the SD Jazz is quite a bright pick up and I am sure it will provide you with all the tone you want and more.  After that you still have the bridge pickup.

I have an Eastman T series guitar too and it is everything and more than I hoped. I knew nothing about Eastman guitars when I saw it, but as soon as I picked it up I knew it was mine.  I don't compare it to anything else because it is everything I want.  

Like the others, I am keen to hear how it all goes for you.
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